Pdf Converter Free Source Code

PDF Converter & Creator Android Source Code

Table Of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Project Import into Android Studio
  3. Changing Android Package Name
  4. Create Admob Ad Units
  5. Changing Admob Ad Strings 

A. Introduction:

Let us thank you for purchasing this PDF Converter & Creator Android app. We are glad to provide you with the basic guide documentation that will help you do some important alterations to the android source code. This basic and straightforward guide will surely help anyone with little or no knowledge of the subject. Please follow the steps properly, thank you.

NOTE: The images used in the instructions may be from a different source code so there can be some naming differences.

B. Project Import into Android Studio:

Step 1.0 - You will be given a ZIP file that contains the android source code. Click right and select “Extract Here”:image5 title="" />

Step 1.1 - Open Android Studio and Click On “Import Project (Gradle, Eclipse ADT, etc.)”:

image22 title="" />

Step 1.2 - Browse the Project Folder that you extracted from the zip file and click on “OK”:

image28 title="" />

C. Changing Android Package Name:

In this step, we are going to change the package name of this Language Tranlator.

Step 2.0 - Make sure the “Compact Middle Packages” option is not ticked in “Options Menu”

image14 title="" />

Step 2.1 - Expand the folders java > com > :

image13 title="" />

Step 2.2 - Click right on the folder after “com > ”:

image17 title="" />

Step 2.3 - Click “Refactor” and then “Rename”:

image15 title="" />

Step 2.4 - Click “Rename Package” :

image10 title="" />

Step 2.5 - Enter new name:

Step 2.6 - Check both checkboxes

Step 2.7 - Click “Refactor”:

image24 title="" />

Step 2.8 - If the bottom dialog appears, click on “Do Refactor”:

image12 title="" />

Step 2.9 - Click right on the next folder to refactor it too:

image20 title="" />

Step 2.10 - Click “Refactor” and then “Rename”:

image18 />

Step 2.11 - Click “Rename Package” :

image19 title="" />

Step 2.12 - Enter new name

Step 2.13 - Check both checkboxes

Step 2.14 - Click “Refactor”

image6 title="" />

Step 2.15 - If the bottom dialog appears, click on “Do Refactor”:

image12 />

Step 2.16 - Open build.gradle (Module: app) file:

image26 />

Step 2.17 - Make sure the applicationId is the new package name:

image27 title="" />

Step 2.18 - Go to “Build” and click on “Clean Project” :

image11 title="" />

Step 2.19 - After the project is cleaned, go to “Built” again and click on “Rebuild Project”:

image3 title="" />

Step 2.20 - Go to strings.xml file:

image21 title="" />

Step 2.21 - change your package name in Provider’s authorities before “.provider”:

image25 title="" /> 

D. Create Admob Ad Units:

Step 3.1 - Login with your Google account.

Step 3.2 - Go to this link.

Step 3.3 - Go to Apps Option and Select “Create App”:

image2 title="" />

Step 3.4 - If your app has been published on play store, select YES otherwise select NO:

image7 title="" />

Step 3.5 - Provide your app information, select Android, and click “ADD”

image1 title="" />

Step 3.6 - You will get an “App Id”. Please save it, you will need it later. After saving, click CREATE AD UNIT.

image9 title="" />

Step 3.7 - Select BANNER:

image4 title="" />

Step 3.8 - Enter any name and click CREATE AD UNIT:

image29 title="" />

Step 3.9 - Copy the Banner Ad Unit, you will need it later.

image23 title="" /> 

Step 3.10 - Create and copy Interstitial and Native ad Units.

image8 title="" />

E. Change Admob Ads Strings:

In this guide, we are going to change Admob Ad Unit Strings in the strings.xml file and EditorAdsUtility.java file. Make sure you do this step very carefully. Replace the test ad units with your real ad units.

Step 4.0 - Open strings.xml file from res > values :

image21 />

Step 4.1 - Replace the test Ad Units with real Ad units that you have created from your Admob Account :

image16 title="" />

Once again, thank you for purchasing our product. We hope you will be able to do alterations to this product by using this guide. This guide is made for beginners so that every buyer with little or no knowledge can grasp this guide and implement the given steps.

Click For Free Source Code Link


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